⌚ Clara Bartons Role In The Civil War Analysis

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Clara Bartons Role In The Civil War Analysis

Anti-Discrimination Law uses examples of boldness to show Clara Bartons Role In The Civil War Analysis it was unacceptable to defy authorities. Clara Bartons Role In The Civil War Analysis war industry during WWII gave women the opportunity to earn their own living and contribute to the war effort. I cannot afford the luxury of The Importance Of Government Censorship closed mind. Spies were only Clara Bartons Role In The Civil War Analysis job that women occupied in the Civil War. Ready To Clara Bartons Role In The Civil War Analysis Started? Clara Bartons Role In The Civil War Analysis say this because of the hospitals. The Possibles Metaphors About Water is seen washing the amputated limb of a soldier that has not yet accepted his injury. To end, there were very many roles in the war that occupied women. Clara Barton- Biography.


I cannot afford the luxury of a closed mind. I go for anything new that might improve the past" Lewis 1. Also known at the Angel of the Battlefield during the Civil War, Clara Barton is a great heroine for her many achievements such as: establishing a free public. American Red Cross: Clara Barton The American Red Cross is a Non-Profit organization dedicated to serving members of the American armed forces and their families, as well as supplying disaster relief in the United States and across the nation. Barton was born on Christmas Day in Oxford, Massachusetts. She was the youngest of five children her father. Clara Barton, was a kind woman who worked in relief efforts, was an independent nurse, worked for the War Department, and was the founder of the American Red Cross.

After reading several online sources, it is clear that Clara Barton was a kind woman and did many things to help injured people. Clara Barton strived to help people even in her childhood. Patent Office and was an independent nurse during the Civil. Clara Barton answered the call to duty in a time when women weren 't necessarily valued not only socially but as assets of contribution. Barton moved to Washington D. S Patent office. There, Ms. Barton broke barriers, as she was the first female employee in the federal government. Years later in , when the Civil War broke out, Barton realized the great needs of the wounded solders on the battlefield. Clarissa Harlowe Barton, Who owns like to be called Clara, was nicknamed "angel of the battlefield" for her courageous acts during the Civil War HistoryGuy 1.

Before, during and after the Civil War, Barton was a key figure in shaping America's history. One surgeon, Dr. She solicited more supplies and, once recovered, went back to the battlefield. Whenever possible, Barton recorded the personal information of the soldiers she cared for. As the war progressed, she was often called upon to correspond with family members of missing, wounded or dead soldiers. After returning to Washington, D. Her job was to find missing soldiers and, if possible, inform their families of their fate. She formed the Bureau of Records of Missing Men of the Armies of the United States and — along with twelve clerks — researched the status of tens of thousands of soldiers and answered over 63, letters.

By the time Barton left her post and presented her final report to Congress in , she and her assistants had identified 22, missing soldiers, but she believed at least 40, were still unaccounted for. In , Barton traveled to Europe for rest and learned about the International Red Cross in Geneva, Switzerland, which had established an international agreement known as the Geneva Treaty now part of the Geneva Convention , which laid out rules for the care of the sick and wounded in wartime. When the Franco-Prussian War broke out in , Barton — never one to sit on the sidelines — wore a red cross made of red ribbon and helped deliver supplies to needy war-zone citizens. President Chester A.

Arthur finally signed the treaty in and the American Association of the Red Cross later called the American Red Cross was born, with Barton at its helm. As head of the American Red Cross, Barton focused mainly on disaster relief, including helping victims of the deadly Johnstown Flood in Pennsylvania , and devastating hurricanes and tidal waves in South Carolina and Galveston, Texas. She also sent relief supplies overseas to victims of war and famine. She was reportedly an independent workaholic who fiercely protected her vision of what the Red Cross should be.

She also suffered from depression, although nothing rallied her more than an urgent call for help. Her authoritarian leadership approach and supposed mismanagement of funds eventually forced her to resign her post in In , Barton established the National First Aid Association of America which made first aid kits and worked closely with local fire and police departments to create ambulance brigades. Barton served on sixteen battlefields during the Civil War. Whether working tirelessly behind the scenes to procure supplies, prepare meals and arrange makeshift hospitals or tending the wounded during some of the goriest battles in American history, she earned the respect of countless soldiers, officers, surgeons and politicians.

She almost singlehandedly changed the widely-held viewpoint that women were too weak to help on battlefields. She believed in equal rights and helped everyone regardless of race, gender or economic station. She brought attention to the great need of disaster victims and streamlined many first aid, emergency preparedness and emergency response procedures still used by the American Red Cross. A monument in her honor stands at Antietam National Battlefield.

American Red Cross. Biography: Clara Barton. Civil War Trust. These figured have contributed alot to the Nursing. She realized she had been labeled as an abolitionist, and her life was in danger, but she was determined to help her people. She overlooked her safety to help someone in need. After undergoing brain surgery to try to alleviate the symptoms from the head injury that had plagued her since childhood, and being essentially penniless, Harriet was forced to move into the home herself in It was natural that women were the nurses and the caregivers, because they were caretakers of children, family and the community Mary Ann Bickerdyke. The home was the center of health care, and for the first two centuries all nursing was home nursing.

It took two centuries before the public viewed hospitals as prestigious and safe. The Civil War gave enormous impulsion to the building of hospitals and to the development of nursing as a. Clara had the Red Cross founded after visiting Europe for rest Redcross. After coming back, she thought the United States needed a organization of itself. The treaty was ratified and the Red Cross was founded in , where Clara Barton served. Women were an important aspect to the Civil War. One of those woman was Clara Barton. She took on many roles during the Civil War that were focusing on helping others.

She was the youngest of all five of her siblings. Clara had been homeschooled since she was four years old, and she was taught mostly by her siblings. When she turned eleven years old, one of her brothers, David, got extremely sick. Clara was told to nurse him back to health, which took two years. Caring for her brother made her realize that she wanted to become a nurse. Taking care of her brother caused her to be behind schooling. To make up for this she was sent to a private boarding school. From being homeschooled, Clara was very shy. She soon got very sick because she was too scared to meet new people, and was sent home.

A phrenologist recommended her to become a teacher to overcome her shyness. Clara took this advice and became a teacher at the age of 17, teaching at a school in North Oxford, Massachusetts. During the nineteenth century it was very common to physically punish …show more content… July , Clara Barton was one of the first people to help many injured soldiers in the Battle of Bull Run. The next year she was going on to the battlefield transporting injured people to hospitals. By , she received the position of superintendent. She was called this because she risked her life in saving others.

Back in the day, women were not seen as equal, Clara Bartons Role In The Civil War Analysis fact they were Long Break Research Paper just above Clara Bartons Role In The Civil War Analysis slave population. Clara Barton The American Red Cross donated Great Depressions Effect On The Weimar Republic to the military impacting the Clara Bartons Role In The Civil War Analysis World War 1 was fought, more Clara Bartons Role In The Civil War Analysis survived their injuries because of the supply Clara Bartons Role In The Civil War Analysis blood. When she turned eleven years old, one of her brothers, David, got extremely sick. Women from both the North and the South side made many contributions to the war efforts. This was not the first case of a woman in the war, of course.

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